Hi, I’m Olawunmi
Transformational Life Coach aka Midwife of Dreams!
My greatest pleasure is linking hands with Christians to overcome their internal and external barriers and enjoy a wildly successful, superabundant life.
Several years ago, when my own journey of inside-out transformation began, I was a Christian and a total mess – pregnant out of wedlock, jobless, penniless, and battling with depression, bitterness, guilt and every other emotional hellhole you can think of. It was a dark season of hopelessness, when my own faulty self-beliefs were threatening to destroy the life I was born to live…
How May I Serve You?
Does it feel like you’ve been going round and round, expending energy and doing all you know to do but the precious dream in your heart continues to be just out of your reach, no matter how much you desire or pursue it?
Our transformational coaching program is highly successful in helping clients break out of situations that have persisted and defied their every move, so that they can ease into their beautiful and precious new level.
Do you want to be a Successful Career/Business Woman, Wife & Mother? Do you want to enjoy the superabundant life WITHOUT SACRIFICING ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE?
Our year-long membership program offers you practical, down-to-earth mentoring that inspires, guides and encourages you to step into God’s SuperAbundance in the seven most important areas of life.
I have been speaking at events, conferences, church services and school assemblies for more than fifteen years.
A participant at a recent event said, “Olawunmi has an incredible gift of communicating an idea in a simple and visual way, and she is especially talented at weaving captivating stories into her teaching.“
If you would like me to speak at your next event, click below to connect with or contact me.
Success Stories
Working with Olawunmi has helped my relationship with my husband a lot! I used to be angry all the time because I was so overwhelmed and stressed with work, home, family, kids…everything!
I was always playing catch up with a million activities and I felt so alone.
The first thing Olawunmi did was to help me get my prayer life and communion with the Holy Spirit going again. I hadn’t experienced such joyous fellowship in years. Then we also implemented a model that drastically reduced my work load and gave me such peace of mind and a renewed enjoyment of life.
My productivity at work has multiplied and I am fitter and healthier with a weight loss of almost 10kg (approx. 20lbs).
My husband recently commented on the fact that I am not constantly moody and angry anymore and I am more understanding and affectionate with him and the children. Our sex life has also improved.
Life’s been great!
Wisdom for SuperAbundance
How to Beat Depression And Enjoy Your Life Again
Living in the past is the main obstacle that stops us from being able to move forward. When you find yourself depressed, let the word of God guide your thoughts and pray consistently. Ephesians 3:16-19 talks about having an understanding of God’s love that...
How To Become A Miracle Magnet And Open Your Life To A Floodgate Of Blessings
Over the years, I came in contact with a principle that revolutionised my thinking and transformed my life from a beggary Christian to a co-creation of God. Before this transformation, I was a young Christian lady, fresh out of university, seven and a half months...
How To Stay Centered, Peaceful, And Focused In A Distracted, Hyperactive, And Chaotic World
We live in a technological age where we are constantly bombarded with all kinds of information and activities. The desire to stay peaceful and focused amidst the storms of life seems impossible without God's aid. Bottom line is, challenges regardless of whether...
How to Beat Depression And Enjoy Your Life Again
Living in the past is the main obstacle that stops us from being able to move forward. When you find yourself depressed, let the word of God guide your thoughts and pray consistently. Ephesians 3:16-19 talks about having an understanding of God’s love that...
How To Become A Miracle Magnet And Open Your Life To A Floodgate Of Blessings
Over the years, I came in contact with a principle that revolutionised my thinking and transformed my life from a beggary Christian to a co-creation of God. Before this transformation, I was a young Christian lady, fresh out of university, seven and a half months...