An African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with someone.”
Superhumans may be popular on our movie screens, but they don’t exist in real life.
Yet, many people believe that admitting one’s deficiencies is a sign of weakness. And because they don’t reach out for the support they need, the journey becomes too difficult and they give up.
In this video, I examined how to leverage the power of collaboration through the life of a bible character called Barak. He achieved tremendous victory in his life simply because he understood the value in bridging one’s weaknesses with other people’s strengths.
In this episode you will hear:
- Why you should be glad – not discouraged – when your dream looks impossible.
- The two reasons why goals fail.
- How to identify the right people to collaborate with.
- A guaranteed way to finish strong, no matter how far you are from your destination.
I shared so much more life lessons in this Bible study. It is certainly worth watching in full.
Olawunmi ❤